Client Testimonials

I don’t have to convince you to collaborate with me. The achievements of my clients and their heartfelt testimonials tell the story {and consistently remind me of the positive influence I’m making.}

Debbie Gerken


I have had the privilege of working with Courtney Zentz for the past 2 months so far. From the moment I attended her free Level Up Lead Gen Course, I knew Courtney was an answer to my prayers. As a Certified Pediatric Gentle Sleep Coach for over 8 years and a Certified RN in NICU for 35 years, I knew a lot about preemies, newborns, babies, and toddlers! When I started Sleep Like a Baby Consulting, I knew my years of education and experience would be a wonderful asset to my business. What my nursing brain wasn’t as equipped with was the business side of things. I had been searching for someone to support and educate me through this process, so I can grow my business to where I would like it to be. From the moment I began her AMAZING program, it was evident that Courtney possesses a unique passion for empowering other to succeed in their business. Courtney’s generosity of time, effort, knowledge, resources, and heart exemplifies her commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others and their businesses. Courtney’s ability to inspire and motivate me also allowed me to see the vision I ultimately want for my business. The environment she creates not only empowers me to elevate my business, but it also uplifts me to become creative and innovative, even when it is outside my comfort zone. Symbolically, with my nursing brain, I equate my initial experience with Courtney as someone placing defibrillator pads on me and yelling “CLEAR”! With that jumpstart, I felt my mindset shift, my motivation becoming unleashed, and my confidence level soar! I am looking forward to seeing how this journey with Courtney helps me reach my full potential and grow my business as I continue to impact families by positively changing sleep for preemies, newborns, infants, and toddlers. I wholeheartedly recommend Courtney.

Valerie Carlier


Courtney is really amazing! I highly recommand! I followed coaching with Courtney, and honestly she is an inspiring woman! A model of positivity and energy! She masters her subjects, she is a good teacher, she takes the time to listen to us but she is also generous and I think that is what can differentiate her from other coaches. Competent and human at the same time! It feels so good! thank you for everything Courtney I learned a lot of things with you, now it's up to me to apply them well

Missy Chako


I had the privilege of working with Courtney, who is an exceptional business coach, and also happens to be a thriving sleep consultant. Her insights from both angles are spot-on. I love that with her there is no beating around the bush, she’s results-driven and won’t waste your time. I walked away with actionable steps to work on in my business. If you’re serious about improving your sleep business, she’s the go-to person. Courtney is truly a game-changer.

Hiliary Giglio


Having a strategy session with Courtney was extremely helpful as I was navigating some challenges in my business. I'm not new to my work as a sleep consultant nor to running the business, so it was driving me crazy that I couldn't figure out what was going on, or more importantly, what to do next to address the challenges. I feared that I might spend the money to book a call with her and it ended up being one of those sort of "fluff" coaching calls, where there are lots of great conversations, but no specific recommendations or real action steps that come of it.

I needed someone to look at what was going on for me, a brief history of my businesses, and what I was currently doing, and make some clear and specific recommendations. That is EXACTLY what Courtney did. There was no "fluff." We didn't talk in circles. She "cut to the chase." She was beyond generous with both her time and her resources for me and I had an action plan following the call.

I love coaching, but not all coaching is the right coaching, depending on what you're going through. I knew I needed someone who knew MY business (or industry rather), not just business in general. I appreciate you! This month has proven to be my best month (revenue-wise)! Holy BLEEP, thank you.

Joanna Clark


I just had to take a moment to tell you how much a I am in awe and appreciate your incredibly helpful and informative trainings. You absolutely have a visionary and strategic mind. It is amazing hear your explain how you spin your ideas into action and how you are fearless when needing to assess and pivot. Like I said, I always walk away with my mind exploding with new ideas now how to do things BETTER and SMARTER and I am grateful for your generous sharing of ideas and resources.

Elizca Bouwer


Courtney is an incredibly talented business coach!

When I first started my journey as a sleep consultant, I was confident in my ability to work with parents and help their children achieve sound sleep. However, I lacked the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully run a business on my own. As the pressure increased, I felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to focus my attention.

That's when I decided to enlist Courtney's expertise by joining the Sleep Coach Success Lab. From our very first meeting, I was amazed by Courtney's wealth of knowledge. We would meet 1-2 times per week, providing me with ample opportunity to seek guidance on any uncertainties. The modules we received were not only immensely helpful but also incredibly informative.

Thanks to Courtney's mentorship, I gained valuable insights into managing my own website effectively and learned invaluable tips and tricks for reaching out to potential clients and businesses with confidence. What sets Courtney apart is her straightforward approach - she is genuine in her teaching style and genuinely cares about your success as a sleep consultant.
The level of support and knowledge that Courtney shares surpasses all expectations. She goes above and beyond what you could ever anticipate from a business coach. In fact, working with her has proven time after time that she truly is the best in the industry.

I wholeheartedly recommend any aspiring or established sleep consultants out there to work with Courtney without hesitation. Investing in her services has been nothing short of life-changing for me as it provided me with the tools needed for amazing growth in my career as a sleep consultant.

Lynsey Mannion


Courtney is just amazing. Such a positive role model for women in business!
She is super generous with her time and knowledge and resources, and has a wealth of education to impart. Always happy to help and offer guidance and give you the tools to get things done in your business. I have no hesitation in recommending her.

Christine Stevens


"I'm Christine Stephens, owner and founder of Sleep Solutions by Christine and I've been a sleep coach for eight years. In my business, I was facing two big struggles. First was streamlining all of my systems and trying to make everything work trying to make things done quicker and faster. The second problem I was having was that I was getting to the top end of my client load and what I could handle so I needed to expand, to be able to create more revenue and generate more leads.

My biggest takeaway so far has been two things. First, would be the automation and streamlining of business processes. The second thing was learning how to nurture the clients that I already had, and being able to upsell to create additional revenue. If you're on the fence about joining this live code Success Lab. Ask yourself this question. Who do you want by your side? Whether you are just starting, and you're looking to increase the revenue in your business, or maybe you've been doing this for a while, and maybe you've got a steady stream of income but you want to expand or go to that next level?

Who do you want by your side? I highly recommend Courtney Zentz. And the secret to success is love. Absolutely. The accessibility and follow-up that Courtney does is unmatched by any other business coach that ever had!"

Brooke Hohnadel


“Courtney is the Coach You NEED. I have hired many coaches in my years and learned lots but Courtney is the real deal, she is willing to dig deep and find a solution to your problem to help you keep moving forward. Courtney has a lot of experience and knowledge from past experiences that gives her an advantage compared to other coaches. Oh, and did I mention that she is the best?! She really makes sure your investment is going to improve your business and she really cares about the overall success.

Louise Duncan


“Working with Courtney has been the ‘kick up the butt’ I so desperately needed to start to take my business to the next level.
The sheer volume of resources shared and Courtney’s expertise in the world of business automation and marketing makes this a course that you’ll regret not doing.”

Grace Yuan


“After just two weeks into Courtney's program, l took on 16+ clients at Hanran each month steadily and consistently hit my revenue goals for the past 6 months.
Moreover, I updated my tech and restructured my business under her expert guidance in just 6 months' time.
Working with Courtney has been an eye-opening experience; she's extremely smart, incredibly business savvy, and, most importantly, exceptionally generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. From the bottom of my heart, I highly recommend Courtney's program to you!”

Leann Latus


“Hi, I'm Leanne Latus. I'm the owner of Tender Transitions, sleep coaching, and I've been sleep coaching for 10 years before I found The Lab. I was really struggling with finding new ways to grow my business after all these years. I also wanted some help with figuring out how to grow my team even further. My biggest takeaway so far from this course and time with Courtney is just learning new tactics for growing my Facebook group, and reaching out to professionals like pediatricians and therapists to send more clients my way. Courtney really does a great job making herself available to us during our time together, whether it's online or during her hot seat calls. She's always there to answer our questions. And she'll even create a special training if there's something that we really need some help on. One thing that I really love about my time with Courtney is she is so extremely generous with her knowledge, her information, templates, ideas, I mean, she just really believes in generosity and sharing all that she has, and that has made this course so well worth it. So if you're not sure if you're ready to join I would greatly and strongly encourage you to do so.”

Kaley Medina


“I cannot say enough wonderful things about Courtney's class. I initially took Courtney's class because I had a team and was growing. And the systems that I was using, were just not working for me anymore. They were very manual. The more that I continued to grow, the more work that I was doing, these mindless and tedious tasks that I knew I didn't need to be wasting my time on.

I just wasn't sure exactly how to be able to find the right systems to connect to get it working for the team. But yeah, after working with Courtney, it took a lot of time and a lot of energy. But wow, the systems that I use now are just so much more automated and can do so much more than I ever thought possible. But that was just the initial reason why I decided to take her course. {And it was seriously like 10% of what I got from it.} 

She just blew my expectations. Every week, there was more and more content that I was just amazed that she was even providing and all the resources that she provided me with. It's been almost a year and I'm still implementing a lot of it because there's just so much information that she provides. So if you're on the fence about it, I can honestly say that this is the best money that I have ever put back into my business, Live Love Sleep and I would 100% Do it again.”

Alison Jones


“Hi, I'm Allison Jones. I'm a sleep consultant in Hong Kong. And I've been practicing for about three years. My biggest challenges, I think we're having my systems and processes a little bit disjointed, where I was looking for something more streamlined to make my life more easy as I get busier and have more clients to be able to make things run more smoothly on the back end and having to waste less time on ad, man, oh, man, I wish I'd had you holding my hand when I started this business. You know, it's been so valuable even as somebody that has experience to just see how to run a business in a completely different way. And it's that's been such an eye opener for me just being able to have the support through changing CRM platforms, and just smart, smart working rather than hard working has been a real eye opener for me. Don't wait, don't wait, don't wait, don't wait, get in now. I honestly wish I'd done this ages ago. A friend of mine did it the last round and I was super afraid by the price tag. Not gonna lie. It's a lot of money. But the value five exceeds the price tag Courtney is available and then some she's generous with her time. She's generous with her resources. And if she has the time, she'll go over. And that is it. Extreme Value. It's not like she's clock watching to get like, oh, there's your 30 minutes you're done now. No, she really does support you through the process. And it's so so valuable.”

Kala Guichard


“Above & beyond the best money spent on coaching.
Because you are a sleep consultant, it makes the world of a difference versus a generic business coach who just tries to understand the business and then implement. You’ve been in the business long enough to know specifically what a sleep consultant needs to do and not only what to do but you teach us how to do it, where most coaches don’t. BEST. MONEY. SPENT in my 4 years of having running my business!”